
The Puzzle of Life is not an ordinary book. Part of it is personal history and the other part is an exploration of the possibilities of thinking differently. This book will captivate you, amaze you, and most importantly, it will make you reconsider everything.
Touching on her past as a resident of Cold War-era Romania and her history of startling dreams, the author in The Puzzle of Life explores alternative understandings of the structure of the universe,
presenting it accessible and in terms of how it affects each of us every day. The Puzzle of Life goes far beyond books that simply skim the surface of the power of positive thoughts and actions, and explores the deep connections between us as individuals, other people, theological questions and the universe. A Personal, telling and timely, Mirela Ardeleanu’s The Puzzle of Life is an important book that should be an essential reading for anyone who wants to understand what’s really going on, right now.

Andrew Faulkner

To You Unconditional Love and to Jesus The Truth, The Way And The Life, To All The People Gods Like You Brothers And Sisters Of Mine. I Dedicate In Gratitude This book of thine